A peach x apricot x plum cross! Bella Gold Peacotum has round yellow freestone fruit and is very sweet with a distinctive flavor. The skin color is yellow with a red blush. Pollinated best by Flavor Grenade Pluot or other Japanese plums or early blooming apricots. On a dwarfing rootstock. Patented.
ZONE: 5-10
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Early blooming. Pollinated best by Flavor Grenade Pluot or other Japanese plums (especially Satsuma), or early blooming apricots. For appropriate cross pollination click here:
Full sun with balanced moisture. Reduce grass competition in root zone. Top dress with compost yearly. Summer prune for airflow and ease of harvest. Spur bearer with fruit throughout the tree. Earl season ripening.
CHILL HOURS: 500 chill hours below 45F
SIZE AT MATURITY: Dwarf - 8' x 12'| Semi Dwarf – 10-16' x 15'| Standard – 20' x 20'