Very high quality, reddish brown nuts that are late ripening, yet do ripen sufficiently here in the Northern edge of chestnut culture. Belle Epine Chestnut trees have good disease resistance and make an excellent pollinator. In the North, most nuts come down still in the husk, protecting their seeds from jays and squirrels. Late season, one of the last to drop its nuts. Seedlings start producing 4-8yrs after planting. Grafted/Layered trees start producing 3-5yrs after planting.
ZONE: 4-8
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Late June to Mid-July. Pollen producer. Excellent pollinator. Partially self-fertile and used as a pollinator for other late chestnuts.
Grafted/Layered trees – Plant with at least 1 other pollinator to ensure good nut production.
Seedlings - Plant with 2 or more seedlings for cross pollination. Or plant with 1 or more good pollen producing grafted varieties.
Full sun, balanced moisture, mildly acidic soils and good drainage.
CHILL HOURS: Medium: 400-500 hours below 45F
SPACING: 25'-35’ from the centers, if room permits.