We have an interesting selection of books that will help you make your garden or fruit orchard a success! Some of the books we offer are on a range of specific topics such as nut trees or edible native plants. We also use them as reference guides and have found them to be very helpful.
If ordered separately, book orders are sent by USPS media mail. There is an additional shipping cost per book whether sent with trees or by themselves. If you only order books, be sure to select the "books only" shipping option. If you are picking up books at the farm or the Olympia Farmers Market, please double check that the shippping charge has been removed by staff during order processing.
If ordered separately, video orders are shipped by media mail for $4.00. If ordered with plants, the normal shipping chart is followed.
Check out our Facebook page and YouTube channel for lots of plant information and short, free videos featuring Michael Dolan! Topics include unique plant varieties, cultivation and propagation tips, permaculture methods, and even cooking tutorials. You can "like" and subscribe to stay connected to us all year round.
by Blake Cothron. The Paw Paws book is a complete growing and marketing guide of America's largest native fruit. Covers botany, history, organic pest and disease control, with harvesting, marketing, processing, recipes and comprehensive cultivar descriptions. A great resource for backyard and commercial growers. Well-illustrated. $5.95 shipping charge.
Written by the Gardeners & Farmers of Terre Vivante. Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning uses traditional French techniques using salt, oil, sugar, alcohol, vinegar, drying, cold storage, and lactic fermentation. $5.95 shipping charge.
Written by Judy Glattstein. The sweet science of making preserves is a time honored tradition, one that endures from coast to coast. This inviting cookbook and memoir, includes more than 100 recipes for jam, jellies, and preserves. Preserving Memories uses everything from chokecherries to serviceberries, apple to quince, making preserving an easy and enjoyable experience. $5.95 shipping charge.
A practical, comprehensive, and essential how-to manual with information on growing perennial crops, soil fertility, water security, nutrient dense food, and more. 2013. 320 pages. Full-color illustrations. $5.95 shipping charge.
Danny Barney covers everything you need to know to successfully grow and market your own organic orchard fruits. Offering expert tips on selecting the right site, choosing the best cultivars, designing and maintaining a sustainable orchard, and efficiently harvesting fruit, Barney also helps you develop a viable business plan, acquire necessary organic certifications, and identify niche markets for your products. $5.95 shipping charge.
Written by Martin Crawford. This large format book of 256 pages with 180 color photos is packed with great, hard to find information on useful trees. Written by an Englishman, this perspective is especially appropriate for growers in the Maritime climate, though most is applicable throughout the United States. Highly recommended, Trees For Gardens, Orchards and Permaculture is an amazing compendium of research. $5.95 shipping charge.
Great information for organic growers on tree and shrub planting, propagation, culture and ecology. Trees of Power has especially useful chapters on chestnut, mulberry, elderberry, hickory, apple and hazelnut. 274 pages, color photos. $4.95 shipping charge
By Mark Ridsdill Smith. An excellent guide to growing your own vegetables, herbs, and fruits in small spaces. Offers lots of tips and tricks to successfully growing food in small spaces like apartment balconies, backyards, rooftops, and window boxes. Much of the information in The Vertical Veg applies to gardeners with larger yards and spaces as well. Full color, 309 pages. $5.95 shipping charge.
Conventional wisdom says to garden from the bottom up, turning over the soil every spring until your back aches. Ironically, this does such a good job aerating that gardeners spend the rest of the season pulling weeds and replacing the suddenly energized (and easily used up) nutrients. Mother nature, on the other hand, gardens from the top down-layering undisturbed soil with leaves and other organic materials. In following this example and synthesizing the work of other perceptive gardeners, Lee Reich presents a compelling new system called weedless gardening.
The Weedless Garden is good for plants and it's good for people. It protects the soil, contributes to plant health, reduces water needs, cuts down on a gardener's labor, encourages earthworms and, of course, mitigates weed problems by keeping the seeds dormant. Four basic tenets form the system's backbone-minimize soil disruption; protect soil surface; avoid soil compaction; use drip irrigation-and the way to get there is simple. For a new bed or established garden, layering is key, and the perfect material to use is also among the most common-newspaper. Add organic mulch and compost on top, and plants are growing in rich, self-generating humus. From vegetable gardening to flower gardens to planting trees, shrubs, and vines, The Weedless Garden works everywhere-allowing the gardener to work quite a bit less. $4.95 shipping charge.