Large, reddish/orange fruit is sweet, delicious and semi-freestone. Charlotte Peach is highly resistant to peach leaf curl disease and bacterial canker. Self-fruitful.
ZONE: 5-10
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Mid blooming. Self-fertile.
Full sun, warm & protected locations with balanced moisture. Reduce grass competition in root zone. Top dress with compost yearly - a heavy feeder. Needs good drainage. Summer prune for airflow and ease of harvest. Spur bearer. Peaches need regular pruning to thin excessive twiggy growth. Only prune during dry weather to decrease potential disease introduction to newly-exposed wood. This variety is excessively vigorous and needs more pruning and thinning than most. Late season ripening.
CHILL HOURS: n/a chill hours below 45F
DISEASE RESISTANCE: Good: Highly resistant to Peach Leaf Curl disease and Bacterial Canker.
SIZE AT MATURITY: Dwarf - 8' x 12'| Semi Dwarf – 10-16' x 15'| Standard – 20' x 20'