Very early ripening of fruity, high oil content olives of the best quality. Frantoio Olive is a major commercial variety in Tuscany for oil production and is now being planted in Oregon. A quick growing variety.
ZONE: 8-11
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Self-fertile and blooms in May.
They thrive in most average, slightly alkaline, well-drained soils and should be planted in a sunny, sheltered location.
CHILL HOURS: Need 200-600 hours.
DISEASE RESISTANCE: The Frantoio is considered one of the few olive cultivars resistant to Verticillium wilt. In fact, it has been used in disease management strategies to replace dead olive trees with more resistant varieties. Does not require heavy pruning. Keep in mind that olives fruit on branches that grew the previous season. Removing that one-year wood will certainly reduce your fruit potential. Remove spoiled fruit, dead, damaged, or diseased branches.
SIZE AT MATURITY: Up to 20ft in height and 10ft wide.