TURKISH TREE HAZEL (Corylus colurna) |
This tree has an upright pyramidal form 25 x 70 ft. Small, good tasting nuts, up to eight/cluster. Very winter hardy & disease resistant. Drought tolerant once established. Turkish Tree Hazels have beautiful wood; attractive, corky bark. Makes a good windbreak tree. |
WEPSTER HAZELNUT (Corylus avellana) |
Newly available blight resistant variety for the shelled kernel market. Nuts blanch perfectly and are high yielding with good flavor and ripen early. Very good overall quality with few defects and almost no mold. Webster Hazelnut pollinates best with York, Felix, Yamhill, McDonald, and Halle's Giant, also compatible with Jefferson. |
YAMHILL HAZELNUT (Corylus avellana) |
A short, spreading tree that is very productive of small, round nuts. Yamhill hazelnuts are early ripening and have the best kernel quality. Complete resistance to Eastern Filbert Blight. Pollinates with all listed varieties. |