Very high yielding variety with sweet and flavorful fruit. Exceptionally large fruit with a thin edible skin. Kaiteri Pineapple Guava pollinates with Kakariki. Patented.
ZONE: 8-10
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Requires cross-pollination with another suitable variety such as Kakariki.
Part to full sun, drought tolerant. Native to subtropical Brazil but can fruit in temperate climates. Responsive to pruning, can be cut back like a hedge. Late season ripening.
CHILL HOURS: 100-200 hours below 45F
DISEASE RESISTANCE: High. Possibly susceptible to anthracnose. Black scale and fruit flies can be a problem in some areas.
SIZE AT MATURITY: Up to 15' but can be pruned to stay small
Photo courtesy of Northwoods Nursery.