Exclusive - Recently released into the United States by Burnt Ridge Nursery. Monty's Surprise™ apple has very large, attractive fruits that are juicy and flavorful with a citrus like after taste. The flesh has extraordinary amounts of phytonutrients, and the skin has the highest levels of beneficial flavonoids of any apple. Monty's Surprise™ apples have demonstrated an ability to suppress the growth of colon cancer cells better than any other apple variety, according to a study by the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research. Price includes $1.00 royalty fee.
ZONE: PROBABLY Zones 4/5 to 9. Still evaluating.
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Mid blooming. Pollen producer; will cross pollinate with most other pollen producing varieties. For appropriate cross pollination click HERE
Full sun, balanced moisture, reduce grass competition in root zone. Top dress with compost yearly. Mulch with wood chips. Summer prune for airflow and ease of harvest. Spur bearer. Some thinning will be necessary some years to maintain apple size. Mid-season ripening.
CHILL HOURS: Unknown, probably on the low end. Most apples need 700-1000 chill hours.
DISEASE RESISTANCE: Most likely scab resistant but resitstance to cedar apple rust or fireblight is unknown at this time.
SIZE AT MATURITY: Dwarf - 8' x 12'| Semi Dwarf – 10-16' x 15'| Standard – 20' x 20'
*Mature size is not definitive – Climate, soil, care, and pruning methods all factor into size at maturity*