Large pink flowers and big red rose hips. Sweet scented. Widely adapted Pacific Northwest native to dry or moist sites. Nootka Roses make for good for hedgerows and wildlife plantings.
ZONE: 7b-8b
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Flowers bloom at the ends of branches May through July, and are usually solitary and large. The rose hips are red and can persist through the winter.
They grow best in full sun to partial shade and prefer moist to dry, well-drained soils. Can tolerate sand, clay, no drainage, and seasonal flooding. Often used for soil stabilization and erosion control, and can also be used in hedgerows and wind shelters. Prune late winter – early Spring to encourage vigorous growth and prepare the rose for a showy bloom season.
CHILL HOURS: Does not generally require chill hours due to its adaptability.
DISEASE RESISTANCE: Susceptible to rose black spot, rose rust, replant disease, rose dieback, and honey fungus. Planting garlic near the Nootka Rose helps ward of pests such as aphids, scale insects, caterpillars, and red spider mites.
SIZE AT MATURITY: 3-6ft tall and 6ft wide.