This is the most common commercially grown variety in Canada, with large, sweet flavorful fruit in great abundance. Smokey Serviceberry can get up to 10 ft. if unpruned or maintained at 6 ft. From Alberta, Canada.
ZONE: 2-9, hardy to -50F.
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Early: March. Lovely masses of white blooms speckle the bush.
Tolerates wide range of soil conditions, sun, or shade, but prefers moist acidic conditions. Reduce grass competition in root zone. Top dress with compost yearly. Summer prune for airflow and ease of harvest. Fruit borne in clusters.
CHILL HOURS: 1000 hours below 45F
DISEASE RESISTANCE: Good: susceptible to rust.
SIZE AT MATURITY: To 10’, but easily held at 6’