Oldest named cultivar. Success Serviceberry is still popular for the large size and flavor of its purplish/black fruits.
ZONE: 3-8
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Blooms beautiful white flowers in Spring. Short racemes produce 3-20 flowers.
Can tolerate a range of soil conditions and sunlight levels. The best time to prune is late winter-early spring, before initial bud break. During the first 3 years only prune weak or damaged branches. After that, prune more vigorously to control height, shape and to encourage new growth.
CHILL HOURS: The Serviceberry typically requires around 500 chill hours to break dormancy and flower properly.
DISEASE RESISTANCE: It is generally considered to be relatively disease resistant compared to other plants, but it can still be susceptible to diseases like rust, fire blight, and leaf spot, especially if not properly cared for.
SIZE AT MATURITY: Can reach heights of 3-16 feet.