Our most vigorous timber form chestnut. T0613 Chesnut is fast growing with a good branching habit. It's productive and bears mid-sized nuts. Seedlings start producing 4-8yrs after planting. Grafted/Layered trees start producing 3-5yrs after planting.
ZONE: 4-8
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Late June to Mid-July. Unreliable pollen producer. Needs a pollinator.
Grafted/Layered trees – Plant with at least 1 other pollinator to ensure good nut production.
Seedlings - Plant with 2 or more seedlings for cross pollination. Or plant with 1 or more good pollen producing grafted varieties.
Full sun, balanced moisture, mildly acidic soils and good drainage.
CHILL HOURS: Medium: 400-500 hours below 45F
DISEASE RESISTANCE: Good. Blight resistant.
SPACING: 12'-25’ from the centers, if room permits.