Japanese x American plum. Medium to large fruit is firm, spicy, sweet and flavorful. Toka Plums have reddish orange skin with yellow flesh. Late summer ripening. Self-fruitful but also makes a good pollinator for Japanese and American plums. Exceptionally hardy selection from South Dakota. Zone 3-8. The Mustang rootstock is for the cold climates.
ZONE: 3-8
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Mid blooming. Self-fertile. Great pollinator for other Japanese plums. For appropriate cross pollination click here:
Full to 3/4 sun with balanced moisture. Reduce grass competition in root zone. Top dress with compost yearly. Summer prune carefully for airflow and ease of harvest. Spur bearer with fruit throughout the tree. Benefits from thinning for airflow. Late season ripening.
CHILL HOURS: 600 chill hours below 45F
SIZE AT MATURITY: Dwarf - 8' x 12'| Semi Dwarf – 10-16' x 15'| Standard – 20' x 20'