Medium sized yellow fruit. Dependably productive with a bittersweet juice of fine flavor and aroma. Used to make a single variety cider or blended with other, sharper types. Yarlington Mill cider apple ripens in October. Zone 4-9.
ZONE: 4-9
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Mid-blooming. Pollinated by another variety blooming at the same time. For appropriate cross pollination click HERE
Full sun, balanced moisture, reduce grass competition in root zone. Top dress with compost yearly. Summer prune for airflow and ease of harvest. Spur bearer. Mid-season ripening.
CHILL HOURS: 1000 hours below 45F
DISEASE RESISTANCE: Average. Susceptible to fireblight.
SIZE AT MATURITY: Dwarf - 8' x 12'| Semi Dwarf – 10-16' x 15'| Standard – 20' x 20'
*Mature size is not definitive – Climate, soil, care, and pruning methods all factor into size at maturity*