A true olive variety of Spanish origin. Selected for hardiness, heavy yield and compactness. Olives are small. Arbequina Olive is a rugged, drought tolerant, semi-evergreen tree that require sun and good drainage. Best suited to areas with long, hot summers, though it has been grown outside as far North as Seattle. It can also can be grown in a pot outdoors or indoors by a sunny window. This variety is self fertile. Begins bearing in several years and is resistant to leaf spot and verticillium. For eating, the small olives are pickled and naturally cured for 4 months. Arbequina makes an especially fine olive oil as well. Olives are one of the oldest cultivated fruit trees, dating back to 3000 B.C. Olive leaves contain oleuropein, a phenolic compound with anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.
ZONE: 7-10
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: This variety is self fertile.
Full sun, consistent heat, good drainage with balanced moisture. Reduce grass competition in root zone. Top dress with compost yearly. Summer prune for airflow and ease of harvest.
CHILL HOURS: 300 hours below 45F.
DISEASE RESISTANCE: Good. Resistant to leaf spot & verticillium wilt.
SIZE AT MATURITY: To 20’ x 12’