Standard cherry rootstock for sweet, tart, and flowering cherries. Hardy and widely adapted, drought tolerant, and well anchored. Resistant to root rot and nematodes. Mazzard Cherry Rootstock makes a large tree so it will require annual pruning to keep it to an easily harvestable size. Excellent for bird food planting. The wood also has timber value.
ZONE: 4-8
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Depends on scion wood.
Full sun, balanced moisture, reduce grass competition in root zone. Top dress with compost yearly. Summer prune for airflow, height and ease of harves.t Requires annual pruning to keep it to an easily harvestable size. Good rule of thumb is cut back new growth by 1/2 to 2/3 each summer. Large tree prone to root suckering.
CHILL HOURS: n/a hours below 45F
DISEASE RESISTANCE: Susceptible to crown gall, bacterial canker & root-lesion nematode. Resists root-knot nematode, moderately resistant to oak root fungus.
SIZE AT MATURITY: 25-30’ x 20’