The king of mulberries. Fruit up to 4 1/2” long sweet and flavorful. Very productive over a 2-month period. The maroon fruit doesn’t stain as easily because the fruit is firmer. Pakistan Mulberry is very vigorous. Zone 7-10.
ZONE: 7-10
POLLINATION/BLOOM TIME: Self-fruitful. Wind pollinated. Leafs out very late to avoid spring frosts.
Full to 2/3 sun, balanced moisture, reduce grass competition in root zone. Top dress with compost yearly. Will grow in wide-ranging soil conditions. Dormant prune to avoid sap bleed. Spur bearer. Stake young trees to avoid them becoming top-heavy and uprooting. Can be kept pruned as 10' x 10' bush and sheared yearly. Mid-season ripening.
CHILL HOURS: 300-500 hours below 45F
SIZE AT MATURITY: Quickly to 20' +; will easily add 3'-5' per year. Can be pruned to encourage low branching and maintained as a shrub for easy harvesting.